Destroyers, dubbed "tin cans" because of their lack of armor . David W. Taylor, attached to a task force striking the Bonin Islands meanwhile, sustained an underwater explosion, probably a mine, and also went home. Enter the Fletcher Class. She participated in a precautionary deployment in November, 1956, of American naval forces during the Suez Crisis. single-barreled gun mounts, two 40mm quad-barreled anti-aircraft mounts, three 40mm twin-barreled anti-aircraft mounts, six 20mm twin-barreled anti-aircraft mounts, 305 South River Road Baton Rouge, LA 70802. She was dispatched to relieve the destroyer BROWN (DD-546), bombarding targets of opportunity on the eastern coastline of Korea from Nan-Do Island southward below Kansong. Beginning in December 1943, all other DesRon 51 ships began making their way to the Pacific, some in time for the Marshall Islands operation, continuing in various combinations through the Marianas operation, where Haraden was damaged in a bomb attack, and Palau. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War. Allan B. Roby, the destroyer moved across New York Harbor for delivery to the Brooklyn Naval Shipyards . The Campbell and Spencer, meanwhile, worked out of Argentia, Newfoundland. Rescuing downed pilots, fighting off suicidal attacks, destroying floating mines, and giving early warning to the fleet of approaching enemy aircraft, KIDD participated in a naval siege which would see the greatest losses ever suffered by the United States Navy. Mr. Walling served as a commissioned and a senior petty officer in the Coast Guard and is the author of Bloodstained Sea: The U.S. Coast Guard in the Battle of the Atlantic, 1941-1944 (New York: International Marine/McGraw-Hill, 2004). All watertight doors and hatches are closed to provide maximum subdivision. On 17 December, the Ingham was on the western edge of the air gap, sweeping ahead of eastbound Convoy SC-112. They did not appear until the 1970s. The CO, XO, Officer of the Deck (OOD), Junior Officer of the Deck (JOOD) and appropriate enlisted personnel would proceed to the bridge. . The night was overcast with the seas running six to eight feet as the Campbell went to general quarters. One of the enemy planes descended to near water level, levelled out, and commenced a run on BLACK which was 1,500 yards off KIDDs starboard beam. At this point, we were underway. Faced with a shortage of escort ships, the Navy requested on 31 October that all Coast Guard cutters be transferred to its control. Not long afterward, KIDD saw action at Tarawa during the Gilbert Island invasion in November of 1943. In May 1942, before the first Fletcher was even commissioned, it approved a six-gun ship in which the Fletchers five 5-inch single mounts were replaced with three 5-inch twinsthe 2,200-ton Allen M. Sumner class, with 20 per cent more firepower on a Fletcher hull widened by 14 inches. Your email address will not be published. During World War II, the Atlantic Coast destroyers would probably be at battle stations with Material Condition Zebra set by the time that they cleared the submarine net. The Royal Navy primarily covered the western approaches to England, the U.S. Navy protected the mid-Atlantic from its bases in Newfoundland and Iceland, while the Royal Canadian Navy protected the convoys as they departed or arrived off Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. From there, they picked up an outbound convoy and battered their way west to Newfoundland. X-RAY provides the least protection. U-175 was 65 feet deep when the explosions cracked and twisted her pressure hull. All rights reserved. In September of that year, KIDD participated in a top secret mission which carried her to a midnight rendezvous somewhere in the Yellow Sea. She then joined NEW JERSEY (BB-62) on bombardment duty, before being assigned to patrol the Formosa Strait. Only one plane drew close enough to drop a bomb: it missed, detonating about twenty feet off the starboard bow. She is a Fletcher-class destroyer and is named after Rear Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, the first US flag officer to die during the Second World War. Just before 1100, one of the Spencer's sonarmen detected a U-boat attempting to slip past the convoy's escort screen. Now, on the eve of impending war, the U.S. was ready to take destroyer design to the next level. The character's first name was changed for the movie. Destroyers were normally tied up to a pier with six mooring lines, numbered consecutively from forward to aft. In 1984, the Dutch fleet oiler ZUIDERKRUIS arrived in Baton Rouge on a port visit and transferred to KIDD two twin 20mm gun mounts, two Mk-16 K-gun depth charge projectors, and twelve 20mm magazine drums. Today, USS KIDD is moored in the Mississippi River in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the centerpiece of the USS Kidd Veterans Museum. Commander-in-Chief, U.S.; Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic; and Eastern Sea Frontier Operations logs, message logs, and after-action reports; NARA. USS The Sullivans was named after the five Sullivan brothers who were killed when USS Juneau was lost in action in mid-November 1942. The days of surface to surface torpedo attacks had pretty well gone away, although we still retained that capability. Commissioned into service two months later on April 23, KIDD commenced her shakedown cruise at Casco Bay, Maine. Starting on April 24, 1962, KIDD was assigned to the Naval Destroyer School at Newport, Rhode Island. Thus there were two groups of 2,100-tonners: one-third (58) were high- or round-bridge ships; two-thirds, (117) were low- or square-bridge ships. Fittings marked with a Red Z, Black Y, and Black Z are all closed. Built at Federal Shipbuilding & Dry-dock Company of Kearny, New Jersey, KIDD was one of four destroyers [USS BULLARD (DD-660), USS THORN (DD-647), and USS TURNER (DD-648)] launched on February 28, 1943 in a record-breaking fourteen minutes. There was always a stop at Pearl Harbor on the way to and from the deployment for INCOP and OUTCHOP (Change of Operational Command) briefings at CINCPACFLEET. Battery containers were smashed, releasing toxic chlorine gas, and two of the bow torpedoes began hot runs but could not be fired because of the sub's depth. 4. I much preferred WESTPAC! . DD 522 : Diary of a destroyer Surels, Ron Books dealing with this subject include: 200,000 Miles Aboard the Destroyer Cotten, Robinson, C. Snelling, 1999 All USN ships are worthy of their tails of history while securing the waters they sail and for protecting all of freedoms we so take for granted every day. These conditions are established by closing the appropriate fittings such as valves, hatches, and watertight doors. With wars end, KIDD returned to peacetime duties. It soon became clear that it was traveling in the opposite direction of the convoy. East Coast deployments tended to be much better because ports in the Mediterranean are much closer together than in the Far East and there never were as many potential shooting situations over there that demanded that we be underway for prolonged periods. This article describes destroyer operations as I remember them during the late 1950s. sidewalk tractor for sale; who are the parents of chaunte wayans The KIDD would become the only vessel in the history of the United States Navy to ever have such leave granted to fly the flag of piracy. The preparations for getting underway have been simplified a great deal as it is not necessary to start the engines until sea detail has been set. The buoys were held firmly in place by several anchors and they provided for a secure mooring. Her single-pole mast was still in place, though her own post-war damage control plans showed her with a tripod mast. The Alexander Hamilton was one of the first cutters actively engaged in convoy escort duty. As fortune had it, her forward damage control party was exercising in the immediate vicinity with a make-believe casualty strapped into a stretcher. The Steering Gear room (After Steering) would be manned. From the 1958 Halsey Powell cruise book. On July 03, 1997, KIDDs torpedo tubes were reloaded for the first time since 1964, finishing out her full armament. In September of 1957, KIDD and the submarine USS REDFISH (SS-395) participated in the filming of the motion picture Run Silent Run Deep off the coast of San Diego. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. A Naval vessel had three conditions of damage control readiness, X-RAY, YOKE, and ZEBRA. Shortly thereafter, at 1313, a torpedo fired by U-132 ripped into the cutter's starboard side, exploding between the boiler and engine rooms and rupturing steam pipes. Morale among the crew soared. These conditions refer to degrees of closure to minimize the effects of potential damage. She saw her first duty covering the North Atlantic sea lanes near Argentia, Newfoundland. Commander Harold S. Berdine, the cutter's commanding officer, ordered a barrage of 11 depth charges set to explode at only 50 to 100 feet. She was dispatched to relieve the destroyer BROWN (DD-546), bombarding targets of opportunity on the eastern coastline of Korea from Nan-Do Island southward below Kansong. At several points in the film, a German U-boat uses Greyhound's transmitting frequency and broadcasts threatening messages over the ship's loudspeakers. Authorized for fiscal year 1941, construction of the first ships was already under way when the United States entered the war. With no injuries to the crew, the damage was repaired and the ship was underway again on May 11, 1953. The Pirate of the Pacific began a series of WESTPAC cruises which lasted from 1954 to 1959. Christened USS Fletcher, she carried over several design features from the earlier classes, such as a rounded pilot house. Left full rudder was applied; the ship had just barely begun to turn. This meant passing a second bight around the bollard on the pier or the ship alongside. Restored to her August, 1945 configuration, KIDD is one of the most authentic and accurate restorations in the Historic Fleet. The edition of TIME magazine that week carried a photo of KIDD, announcing that it had been one hundred years since the Jolly Roger had flown in New York Harbor. In August of 1943, she transited the Panama Canal along with three other destroyers providing escort for USS ALABAMA (BB-60) and SOUTH DAKOTA (BB-57) and proceeded to Pearl Harbor. By early 1942, U-boats had begun to wreak havoc directly off the east coast of North and South America, easily picking off merchant ships that were poorly defended. (DESDIV 96) within Destroyer Squadron 48 (DESRON 48), KIDD functioned in the many roles demanded of the U.S. Navys destroyers: anti-submarine picket duty, picking up downed pilots, shore bombardment, and anti-aircraft platform. That call to action came in 1951 during the Korean War. As the cutter neared the target, however, Sasso lost the contact. She returned to bombardment duty and rescuing downed pilots. The freighters bow sliced nearly halfway through the destroyers hull at the deck line, leaving a 15-ft. v-shaped hole that extended three feet below the waterline and flooding the sonar compartment. A second 36 searchlight was obtained from a private estate in 1985. But through the efforts of many dedicated people, she avoided the scrapping yard to make one final voyage. Robert E. Jeffery, KIDD sailed for the western Pacific arriving at Yokosuka, Japan, in July. Nineteen Fletchers were lost during World War II. Parts of her radar array were scavenged for use aboard CASSIN YOUNG (DD-793) which had also survived a suicide attack and was preparing to go back out on the line. She was present for the occupation of Saipan in June of 1944 and assisted in the bombardment of Guam in July and August. I am a retired Navy Chief. In September 1941, it requested studies for a destroyer with greater anti-aircraft capability. years the big cutters would play a key role in the United States' efforts to patrol the Atlantic Ocean, escort convoys, and sink U-boats. While the U-boats did occasionally eavesdrop after stumbling upon the transmitting frequency of the escort ships, as far as we know, they were never able to transmit on that frequency, nor were they able to hack into and broadcast over the convoy's inter-ship communication system. By any standard, that was an impressive display of warship mass production. Initially it was a 300-mile-wide strip of ocean bounded on the north by Canadian territorial waters then running south through the Caribbean. USS The Sullivans served with . If you have questions, please contact the Naval Institute via email at or by phone at 800-233-8764. In the traditional system of naming destroyers after Naval heroes, she was named after Rear Admiral Isaac Campbell Kidd, Sr. who was killed aboard his flagship, USS ARIZONA (BB-39) during the surprise attack by the Japanese on the American fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. All five 5/38-cal. 1. In 1995, what began as a blind letter to several allied navies which had received Fletcher-class ships in the years following 1945 resulted in the donation of twelve Mk-9 depth charges from the Turkish navy. Over the next 3?? Following a tumultuous eastbound Atlantic crossing as part of the escort group for Convoy HX-170, she was detached to take in tow the Navy storeship Yukon (AF-9), which was disabled 600 miles southeast of Iceland. The mid-ocean U.S. escort groups were built around either the Campbell or Spencer, supported by a few U.S. Navy destroyers and corvettes from the Canadian, Free Polish, and/or Free French navies. Another unique distinction about KIDDs first voyage was the make-up of her crew. Fully repaired and ready for action in the eminent invasion of Japans home islands, KIDD was en route to Japan via Pearl Harbor just days after the first atomic bomb struck Hiroshima, heralding the end of World War II. It was an entirely different Navy! Introduced in 1942, the 2,100-ton Fletcher-class destroyers formed the core of the US Navys destroyer force from 1943. Since 1975 all new destroyer, cruiser, and frigate types have been powered by aircraft derivative gas turbine engines. A doctor transferred over by highline to care for the wounded from squadron mate HALE (DD-642). During his 30 year naval career he held two ship commands and served a total of 8 years on naval material inspection boards, during which he conducted trials and inspections aboard over 200 naval vessels. YOKE is an intermediate level of protection that is set when the ship is under normal underway cruise conditions. Once clear of the harbor, the navigator would announce that we were entering International Waters, where different Rules of the Road apply. . The lone suicide bomber crashed into her forward boiler room killing everyone inside. When thinking about it at a later date, you wonder how a human can cheer at the sight of another person being killed. Under her new commander, KIDD returned to battle during the invasion of the Philippines in October and November. Up until the 1960s, most naval home ports did not provide much in the line of pier space and in San Diego, we usually moored to a mooring buoy in the harbor. Beginning in the fall of 1939, the large white-hulled cutters were assigned the outer limits of the Neutrality Zone. The first 25 ships were ordered 28 June and 1 July 1940 (the first day of the 1941 fiscal year), with DD 445 actually belonging to the 1 July group. One hundred seventy-five of these ships were built between 1941 and 1945 - more than any other destroyer class. Less than six weeks after the transfer, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States formally entered World War II. It was also more difficult to remain unnoticed by the Germans.The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous battle of WWII. CAPT John M. Waters, USCG (Ret. All Rules of the Road situations were handled by whistle signals. It was here, just ninety miles east of Okinawa, that KIDD suffered her most severe damage of the war. She returned to San Diego and was decommissioned on December 10, 1946, placed in the Reserve Fleet until such time as she would be called upon again. Twenty of the 21 men in those spaces were instantly killed. Early that summer, President Roosevelt agreed to protect Iceland, and U.S. Marines replaced a British occupying force on the island. Ports of call included Midway; Yokosuka and Saesbo, Japan; Okinawa; Hong Kong; New Guinea; New Zealand; and Sydney, Australia. The Fletcher class formed the backbone of U.S. destroyer forces in World War II. They used USS Kidd, a real WWII destroyer, to film the journey of Greyhound. Mrs. Inez Kidd, widow of RADM Kidd, served as the ships sponsor, christening her and presenting her crew with a handsome wardroom guest book in which she wrote: May the destiny of the USS KIDD be glorious! ", The Duane soon joined in, firing all her gun batteries. With carrier-based aircraft pounding the Japanese installations on the island, KIDD moved off to investigate a submarine contact miles away from the formation. Chevalier. As well as other tasks, most of the ships served on weather station patrols, monitoring conditions in specific areas of the Atlantic. Along with the Duane, the Spencer rescued 41 of U-175's 54-man crew. The ship had to approach very carefully directly into the current and hold itself in position during this process. . The U.S. Coast Guard, hearing of the disaster and the City of Flint's need for medical help, immediately dispatched two of its 327-foot Secretary-class cutters: the Bibb (WPG-31) from Boston and Campbell (WPG-32) from Halifax, Nova Scotia. No. By 1971, all ships remaining in the US Navy had decommissioned but not until 2001 was Mexicos Cuitlhuac, the former John Rodgers and the last active Fletcher, retired. Detached from bombardment duty, KIDD was ordered to convey an Admiral to Pusan at flank speed. Navy ships never use this method any more, as sufficient pier space is provided in all of the navys home ports and all necessary services are provided from shore. Twelve members of the U-boat's 47-man crew were rescued by the Campbell and Burza. The officer of the deck, Lieutenant Ed Osborne nevertheless ordered a depth charge dropped. Non-subscribers can read five free Naval History articles per month. By the autumn of 1942, the main U-boat menace had moved from the U.S. East Coast back to the North Atlantic. Laid down beginning in 1941, all 175 Fletchers were completed between June 1942 and February 1945, launched an average of 212 days after keel laying and commissioned after an average of 152 days more or 364 days totalnearly 10 per cent faster than the repeat Bensons and Gleaves that preceded them. Dan Van der Vat, The Atlantic Campaign (New York: Harper & Row, 1988). Ships' logs, war diaries, and after-action reports for the Coast Guard cutters: USS Bibb, Campbell, Duane, Alexander Hamilton, Ingham, and Spencer; National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD (hereinafter cited as NARA). ZEBRA is the highest level of protection. David W. Taylor returned to join them in time for Okinawa, after which she and John D. Henley closed out the war with the Third Fleet off Japan while the other surviving ships of the squadron returned home. Their detonations practically lifted the U-boat out of the water and badly shook the cutter, which was rapidly losing speed. The search for hard-to-find World War II vintage equipment has gone around the world. The actual hookup was made by detaching one of the anchor chains from its anchor and passing it down to the mooring crew on the buoy, who would then connect it to a shackle. This action won her skipper at the time, Cdr. The last significant encounter between U-boats and 327s took place on 17 April, as the Spencer and Duane were escorting Convoy HX-233. The 327s were later converted to amphibious-force flagships and served in the Pacific theater. During this era, no other class of destroyer had more ships built. For this reason, all sailors of the Boiler Technician (BT) rating were meticulous about carrying a book of matches around with them at all times. Later emphasis on anti-aircraft defense led to a redesigned or square bridge for improved all-around sightlines, beginning with Brownson (DD 518). The Spencer and five of her 327-foot Secretary-class sisters helped keep the supply lifeline between North America and Britain open during the Battle of the Atlantic. The Fletcher class destroyer is one of the most famous and most produced warships developed and built for the US navy in WW2. Taking their mascot pirate to heart, crew members began to ransom rescued pilots for ice cream mix and other delicacies from their comrades aboard aircraft carriers so that her reputation grew as the Pirate of the Pacific. Other destroyers conducted this practice, but KIDD did so with a certain flair. The U-boat was too close for the destroyer's guns, so the crew members opened fire with rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns. The lead ship of the class was the USS Fletcher (DD-445). The latter part of 1958 saw her engaged in a similar role patrolling the straits between Formosa (Taiwan) and mainland China while international tempers flared over the Chinese bombardment of the offshore islands of Quemoy and Matsu. The danger of traversing the Atlantic is echoed in the Greyhound movie's trailer, which states, "The only thing more dangerous than the front lines was the fight to get there.". During a simulated torpedo attack in September of that year, KIDD was struck by two star-shells fired from the NORTH CAROLINA (BB-55). Finally, the third Fletcher selected was KIDD, largely due to the efforts of Harold Monning, who served aboard her during World War II, and the shipmates of the DESRON 48 Reunion Association. (read it here). She provided escort for the carrier task force which launched air raids on Wake Island in October of 1943 and then again, in November, for the carriers ESSEX (CV-9), BUNKER HILL (CV-17), and INDEPENDENCE (CV-22) in strikes against Rabaul and Bougainville. Twiggs also operated in the Atlantic early in her career, from Norfolk as a training ship until May 1944. She serves as a reminder of all those who have gone before us. At the time scheduled in the plan of the day, the boatswains pipe would whistle and the word would be passed Now set the Special Sea and Anchor Detail. Restored to her August, 1945 configuration, KIDD is one of the most authentic and accurate restorations in the Historic Fleet. A lot more information is available on the bridge from GPS, Electronic Chart Displays (ECDIS), etc. Acting as a member of a screen as part of a carrier task group against air, surface, and subsurface attack. Copyright 2011-2022 Naval Historical Foundation. The disabled cutter, meanwhile, was towed to Newfoundland for repairs. Assigned to DESDIV 152, she joined Carrier Task Force 77 at Wonsan, Korea, with division mates UHLMANN (DD-687), HOPEWELL (DD-681), and WEDDERBURN (DD-684). May her victories be triumphant and conclusive!. did fletcher class destroyers serve in the atlantic? Slow but reliable, the Coast Guard's Secretary-class cutters were the backbone of the United States' North Atlantic escort force during World War II. Destroyer Squadron 51 The movie's fictional incident is based on an event that unfolds in The Good Shepherd book from which the film was adapted. Next. She participated in a precautionary deployment in November, 1956, of American naval forces during the Suez Crisis. In 1941, as U-boat attacks on British and Canadian convoys in the central Atlantic increased, the United States was drawn into a more active role in the conflict. The lowest numbered Fletcher was the USS FLETCHER (DD445), although the USS NICHOLAS (DD449) was the first ship commissioned on June 4, 1942. The cycle would start at the end of a shipyard overhaul, in our case at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. Allied Warships Destroyers Fletcher class 175 ships The destroyer USS Saufley (DD 465) of the US Navy . On October 2, 1961, she found herself part of the rapid mobilization of the nations military forces in response to the Soviets construction of the Berlin Wall. While this rarely happened, such destroyer-vs-submarine duels did take place on one or two real-life occasions. Downtown Baton Rouges Fletcher-class destroyer USS KIDD (DD-661) and the Louisiana Veterans Museum. Preparations would start several hours before getting underway, primarily down in the engineering spaces. She was first launched in 1943 and went in and out of commission during the Korean War and the Cold War. The tenders could then supply us with power, thereby allowing us to shut down and go Cold Iron. On March 19, 1945, the carrier USS FRANKLIN (CV-13) suffered a devastating hit which touched off gasoline and ammunition explosions and claimed 724 lives. Badly shook the cutter neared the target, however, Sasso lost the contact with a Red Z Black! Down in the opposite direction of the War by aircraft derivative gas turbine engines closing appropriate! Aircraft derivative gas turbine engines the current and hold itself in position during this process was towed Newfoundland. Built between 1941 and 1945 - more than any other destroyer class and frigate types have been by... Us to shut down and go Cold Iron downed pilots on one or two real-life occasions western edge of first... Deck, Lieutenant Ed Osborne nevertheless ordered a depth charge dropped impressive display of warship production. 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