Questioned documents may include markings from rubber stamps, embossed seals, watermarks, or other mechanically-printed marks. d. Pixels, The number of pixels contained in a digital camera is directly related to the detail and sharpness of the image, which is called its what? c. under normal lighting. a. Telephoto lens T/F An f-stop is the minimum distance that must separate two objects in order for them to be viewed as distinct objects. 1. d. Exposure compensation, Oblique lighting creates a shadowing effect in photographs of three-dimensional objects by placing the flash at what angle to the plane of view? They consisted of simple crosses and circles (Italy). A counterfeit pen. The examiner observes the numerous features exhibited in the bodies of writing to determine if significant similarities or differences exist. Indented Writing Analysis It is also possible to place the original on the document where the writing is required and to trace heavily so that impressions are left on the document beneath, which are then inked. Forensic document examination has been. Silver halide grains The name of the individual who packaged and marked items of evidence should be recorded. All processes are the same, but with two differences; use a drier paper, and considerable high pressure. It is a valuable tool for recording the crime scene and explaining the evidence to others. 1. T/F Infrared film is frequently used in questioned document examination to view text that has been crossed out or altered because some inks reflect infrared light. c. Shutter speed Whenever possible, the forensic investigator should examine the particular machine(s) suspected to have been used in creating questioned documents in order to compare individual characteristics. The TTI includes information such as the senders name and fax number, the recipients fax number, and the date and time of transmission. Digital photography The use of electronic means to capture light and save and image on an electronic medium such as a memory card Film speed The measure of ease with which the silver halide grains of a given film react to light Single lens reflex (SLR or DSLR) camera The advantages of recording crime-scene notes on an audio-recording device include all of the following EXCEPT: In this case Mark was retained to perform a Questioned Document Examination (QDE). laboratory work and document examination, write reports which conform to the required format for the laboratory. b. Frequently, writers attempting to disguise their handwriting will change from all uppercase to all lowercase. Equal 90 percent b. I would say, they are a FALSE WATERMARK. as no translucency is seen in them. Quick History: Watermarks used in Europe for the first time. a. It was not. The ABFDE requires that examiners obtain a minimum of a baccalaureate degree and complete a two-year, full-time training program or apprenticeship in a recognized forensic laboratory or with an established examiner in private practice. Triton X-100: Added till surface tension in between 27 to 30 dyne. d. Wide-angle lens, The camera's aperture is commonly adjusted on the SLR and DSLR cameras by adjusting what? Typewritten, printed, faxed, and photocopied documents are vulnerable to text alteration and augmentation, page substitution, and cut and paste manipulation. T/F The higher the f-number, the wider the aperture, and the more light it allows in. As with any questioned document, the forensic examiner also will examine the printout to determine the type of paper and class of ink utilized, as well as taking careful note of watermarks, and staple hole patterns etc. This concise new handbook is designed specifically to aid lawyers involved in cases that involve questioned documents (QD) evidence. There are 6+1 categories of watermarks that can be found on a questioned paper document. Led research study on assisted and guided hand signatures of bedridden and elderly subjects, NADE. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Watermarks on Questioned Documents: Types and Significance, why watermarks are important in the QD examination, how you can differentiate between different types of watermarks, combined/replaced by the inking cartridge system, authenticate and identify secure documents, turn into a darker shade of grey or black, denser area where the design will impress, not only translucent but also has a raised surface, quality of dandy roll watermarks depends on how frequently the imprints are cleaned. Like chemical watermarks, they are also embedded after the production of paper. Low shutter speed As they collect pollen, some clings to the hairs on their bodies. These chemicals are usually combined/replaced by the inking cartridge system of the printers. Relation to other things Types of Document Examination 1. a. Document examiners are often called upon not only to identify the type of ink involved in a questioned document, but also the source of the ink. Watermark is a distinctive form of image, shape, text, or any design that appears translucent and fainter when light passes through it. Questioned document examination is a comparative pattern-based science like firearms, fingerprints and tire treads. Identity 3. Questioned document examination is a skill and an art acquired with a great deal of experience and practice and requires thorough training by a seasoned forensic document examiner. c. Semi-conductors Role of a Questioned Document Examiner The main role of a document examiner is to examine the reliability of a document which is disputed in the court of law. It explains the basics of document examination and helps . Disguised Handwriting Typewriting a. anonymous and disputed letters b. superscriptions, registrations and miscellaneous writings. Information that can be extracted from the digital watermark. Typewritten documents may be traced back to the typewriter on which they were written by means of the class characteristics of the machine (e.g., manual/electric, fabric ribbon/carbon film ribbon, type design) and individual variations across machines due to wear and tear, damage or misuse. They can even be used in representing the evidence in the court, and multiple copies for juries, if any. a. Unlike the traditional watermark, which uses wet paper, here a relatively drier paper is used. answer choices. Questioned Documents was published in 1910, and a second edition in 1929. A former FBI Special Agent who was also a Forensic Examiner within the FBIs Questioned Documents Unit spearheads our Questioned Document Examination (QDE) practice. Forensic examiners are often required to evaluate the authenticity of an individuals signature, particularly in the case of contested wills or other legal documents. with the examination of the questioned writing, these additions may produce a certain amount of confusion and tend to delay the laboratory examination. Alteration in the surface and change in chemical composition of paper. Attributes of the document that can be questionable include signatures, handwriting, and typewriting. A combination of multiple exposures while moving the light source fills in the available indentations with shadows and effectively uncovering the indented writing. Typewriters Photography Scholarship, DAI. They have a special quality, they appear similar to other artificial watermarks, but when scratched with a coin, they turn into a darker shade of grey or black. Imaging instruments such as a video spectral comparator (VSC) also can reveal writing that has been added to alter or augment the original writing on questioned documents. Any forensic document examination involving a fax machine also should include consideration of the Transmit Terminal Identifier (TTI), which is typically found in the heading of any transmitted document. And also known as the Molette Process. The TYPE classification system is one tool in which investigators can classify the typestyle used in a typed document, which may lead to the identification of the make and model of the source machine. When comparing handwriting from collected specimens, however, it is important to collect contemporaneous writing, or material that was written around the same time period as the document in question. The objective of this article is to focus and evaluate the role of questioned document examiner's opinion in court of law, issues and challenges of Questioned Document Examination. The color of a piece or pieces of paper may be compared against a white standard or through a side-by-side comparison. Using this technique, indented impressions have been recovered from up to seven layers of paper beneath the original writings. These may be manufacturing defects, such as defective die material, distortion, or misalignment, or may be a result of use (e.g., accumulated ink, dirt, or fibers) or misuse. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ink Examinations 3. This can be achieved by 3D relief on the roller itself (not on the wire). Next, it should be established whether the questioned document is an original or a reproduction, and whether there were multiple printing methods involved in the creation of the document (e.g., a printed document that was then photocopied and/or faxed). Thus, it is important that obtained writing specimens be taken from around the time of the questioned document. Further testing may involve the examination of ultraviolet characteristics and comparisons using instrumental analyses. A document examiner, trying to determine if the document has been altered by chemical methods, would use which of the following? a. out of focus. This article provides an introduction to the processes utilized by forensic experts performing Questioned Document Examinations. ESDA works by creating an electrostatic image of indented writing, which is then visualized by the application of charge sensitive toners. A. Liquid chromatography may be conducted in order to determine the chemical composition of inks used in a document. Thickness may be measured by using paper calipers or micrometers, while weight may be measured by using a very sensitive scale. Chapter 3 -Crime Scene Photography-What's new, frans - parties du corps et la sante (SYNONYM), Chapter 1 Quiz CJ 1350 Intro to Forensics, Chapter 20 Terrorism and Homeland Security, Chapter 18 Drug-Related and Organized Crime, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. This is due to the fact that typewriters change in design every . examination of questioned documents began to take serious. Questioned documents on issues of materials used in their production. Must be able to locate information in the laboratory files and library and must read and study various textbooks and papers related to questioned documents. Origin 4. Relation among its parts 5. d. Contrast, Which lens would be best suited to photographing the details of a small but detailed tool mark found at a crime scene? In addition, the students will be enlightened about the veracity of the document examination, its application in case solving. ACE-V Methodology Although there is an element of subjectivity . Defining Questioned Documents Since the introduction of the ESDA in 1978 foster+freeman have been recognized as world leaders in the field of questioned document examination. Currently, no federal licensing exists for forensic document examiners; however, in the United States, the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE) has established guidelines and issues a certificate of qualification. Watermarks made during the manufacturing process tend to differ microscopically with each press of pattern on sheets. Please note, the following information must be used only for educational purposes. ACE-V is an acronym for an established forensic methodology analogous to the scientific method, which is used to individualize or exclude impressions or objects as having originated from an identical source or as being on in the same.1. They are different in the sense that they are only visible on one side of the paper printed side when viewed with an angle. Another way to trace writing is to place carbon paper on top of the original document so that the pressure of the pen will produce a carbon impression upon the lower document. Adobe Photoshop or similar software may be used to assess line orientation and spacing, which may be particularly useful in helping to identify anomalies or distortions in the text. d. the notes are recorded as the observations are made. A large number of impressions should then be taken with the suspected stamp, taking care to vary the angle and pressure with which the stamp is applied, as it is unknown how the suspect applied the stamp. Terms & Conditions, Training and Qualifications of a Forensic Document Examiner, Typewritten and Machine-Printed Documents, Forensic Handwriting Analysis - Expert Introduction to Handwriting Analysis, Living Trust Verification - Expert Receives Thank You from Client. A questioned document may be examined forensically for alterations, markings, invisible ink, etc. These chemicals are very individualistic based on their composition and type of printing process. For cotton fiber-based paper, it may be necessary to use a weak acidic solution to disintegrate the paper into its individual fibers. Signatures may be of particularly poor quality if they must be reproduced in front of the person intended to receive or verify it (e.g., signing a credit card receipt in front of a storekeeper). Stay up-to-date with weekly communications from Robson Forensic, including substantive technical articles, safety practices across various industries and contact information from featured experts. It is important to note that there is overlap between forensic document examiners and handwriting analysts, though some experts choose . Imaging instruments such as Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) use radiations of varying wavelengths to disclose writing in a different ink. The Scientific Response and Analysis Unit provides end-to-end case support, from initial assessment of investigative or intelligence information, "hot zone" capable scientists, crime scene processing and collections, evidence examination, and courtroom testimony regarding: 2023 Robson Forensic, Inc. These three (fiber accumulation, defects, and logs) properties add additional identification markers to forensic document examinations. Person and company to whom watermark refers to. Vaurlo in 1959. a. As with most other forensic analysis, questioned document examination is generally a comparative examination. Authenticity 2. On the other hand, watermarks made during the manufacturing process produce very light and diffuse marking that isnt visible unless you see through a brighter background. Worker bees. He discusses the steps that a forensic document examiner follows,, This document is a letter that Mark Songer received from a client, thanking him for the impressive work he did in verifying the authenticity of living trust document. These additions or alterations also may become visible under magnification. The increasingly ubiquitous use of computers resulting in computer-generated documents has resulted in difficulties for the questioned document examiner. They do allow an investigator to view the document without adding any additional fingerprints or impressions. Chemical tests are important in the examination of printing inks because they also allow examiners to provide an approximation of when the document was written. T/F Digital photography has higher resolution than film photography. 2. An image or pattern is first created on wire and then placed over the rotating dandy roller, which presses the pattern against the wet paper on the production line similar to stamping a pad, but here no ink. The goals of SWGDOC published on their website include: Strengthen the content and the enforcement of published performance standards. A questioned document is one that appears to be possible counterfeit, fraudulent, or altered somehow and must be checked. SERIES OF QUESTIONS TOPIC I: Topic I Know/discuss the relevance and role of questioned document examiners in crime detection Q1 : Q1 A document examiner with a good collection of typewriting samples can often date a typewritten document by the difference in type. Questioned documents are any documents that may be used as evidence in a trial, ranging from handwritten notes to counterfeit currency to contracts. faced the problems of authenticating seals,handwriting, hand-. However, in comparison to typewriters, it is rarely possible to link the questioned document back to the specific computer on which it was written. 9 1 Sponsored by Harness Security Testing Orchestration Security From Code To Deploy Plus Pipeline Security Governance. A questioned document investigation is an in-depth look into a document that is being questioned in the case of fraud, forgery, etc. Resolution IDENTIFICATION/FORENSICS - Questioned Documents/Document Examination . d. Disposition of items after collection must be included. This technique has resulted in the recovery of indented impressions on paper up to seven layers beneath the original writing, though findings may vary depending on pen pressure and paper thickness. T/F The higher the camera's f-number, the greater the depth of field of its photos. Another valued method used by forensic experts is called Video Spectral Analysis (or Comparator). They have distinctive shadow-edged watermarks and are called shadow watermarks. Simulated Writings and Tracing Document examination might include alterations, obliterations, paper analysis, forgery, origin, determining authenticity, or any other questions. b. For example, an infrared light filter, combined with other light sources, causes ink that has faded over the years to be enhanced and therefore legible. The use of an IR imaging system may be useful in helping examiners to differentiate the original writing from the covering material as well. Use covers or envelopes that are large to hold the document without folding. Which statement about note taking is NOT true? d. Low aperture, What feature allows most digital cameras to automatically compensate for color temperatures that deviate from white? More clearer and detailing is seen in cylinder moulding watermarks. Gun Shot Residues/Explosive Residues There are several different types of residues found both in ammunition and explosives, Determining the origin of the ink on a document may be especially useful in helping examiners to detect fraudulent entries or alterations in a document. Photographs are imperative in court hearings and trials as it provides the judge as well as the jurors with a permanent visual record of the scene and evidence that were collected. The organic analysis and instrumental analysis (IR) can evaluate the groups that are involved. Simulated writing occurs when an individual attempts to copy the handwriting of another by making a freehanded drawing of the writing or by tracing authentic writing. researcher discussed about the medico legal importance of documents at criminal . Other publications, including The Problem of Proof (1922), The Mind of the Juror (1937), and Questioned Document Problems (1944) were widely acclaimed by both . The bee colony consists of specialized individuals: the queen bee, worker bees, and drones. Use and Importance of Camera (photograph) in Questioned Document Examination: a. Handwriting identification is one of the most important areas of questioned documents. Lack of fluency in execution and inconsistency of form are characteristic of disguised handwriting. B. Forensic document examiners are often called upon to determine whether questioned documents have been augmented or altered for fraudulent purposes. It may be obvious that a line was inserted, for example, if it is crudely written in the margins or between lines of text. T/F Single lens reflex (SLR) and digital single lens reflex cameras allow the photographer to manually select the resolution. Trained forensic document examiners systematically inspect questioned documents and compare aspects of the document to known standards in order to identify the nature and source of the writing or printing. b. Comprehensive digital imaging systems can provide the questioned document examiner with an extensive range of facilities for detecting irregularities on altered and counterfeit documents. Aged paper usually has more opaque/translucent marks than the rest of the paper. Their concentration and composition determine the extent to which they can create opacity. Research has also found that faxes may undergo significant dimensional changes that can result in changes in size or even distortion, further complicating the investigation of transmitted questioned documents. in order to determine if a crime occurred and help solve it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'forensicreader_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-forensicreader_com-medrectangle-4-0');1. This sensitive imaging process reacts to sites of microscopic damages to fibers at the surface of a document, which have been created by abrasive interactions with overlying surfaces during the act of handwriting. Forensic Document Examination helps answer questions whether the note was written by the deceased or someone trying to manipulate investigators? Indented writing, or second page writing, is an imprint that may be left on the underlying pages when the top sheet of paper is written upon. c. Grain The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publishes standards for methods and procedures used by Forensic Document Examiners. There are two techniques for UV photography. Then, answer each question that follows. Font and line spacing should be examined, as discrepancies may be subtle but indicative of an alteration or addition to the original document. They use specialized chemicals with a refractive index similar to cellulose and make impregnated areas translucent. The measure of the "degree of whiteness" of a light source as compared to a hypothetical source of perfect white light. This process typically culminates in the presentation of gathered evidence at preliminary hearings, pretrial depositions, or in a courtroom. Document examination plays a very important role in solving civil and criminal cases related with fraud, forgery and counterfeit security documents. In the first place, questioned document should be photographed promptly in order that a correct and permanent record maybe made of it and its condition. Revised and expanded to reflect the most recent innovations in the field, The Scientific Examination of Documents, Fourth Edition is a handy, accessible volume detailing current best-practices for forensic document examination. It is important to note, however, that not all distortions in handwriting are the result of intentional disguise. Although there are no specific college majors or degrees in forensic examination, scientific training is encouraged and continuing education courses are required to remain in good standing with the aforementioned boards. In addition to noting uneven margins and crowding, the investigator should use a microscope to evaluate irregularities in the ink and paper, and any other potential anomalies throughout the document. What activity is critical to the outcome of document examination, and why is it so important? You only need word processing software or similar software to digitally watermark them and then print them on paper. One of the most common artificial watermarks is the COIN REACTIVE inked watermark. The examinations primary purpose is to provide evidence about suspicious or questioned documents using a variety of scientific principles and methods. For paper produced with wood fibers, a very small piece of the questioned document may be cut away and disintegrated in water. Indented impressions occur when an imprint is left on the paper(s) underlying the one that was forcibly written or marked upon. This document contains an unsolicited letter of gratitude from one of Marks many satisfied clients. a. c. White balance Computers and Printers Thank you for your assistance in. UV light provides more detail and contrast to an injured area, including bite marks, than standard lighting techniques. ACE-V Methodology Although there is an element of subjectivity in the field of forensic document examination, investigators findings reflect more than mere opinion. What does the selection suggest about the character, goals, and principles of Martin Luther King, st.? The relatively poor quality of faxes and photocopies, in comparison to the original document, means that they may be particularly susceptible to manipulations or alterations for fraudulent purposes. Once this is accomplished, the examiner may turn his or her attention to the specific nature of the markings, specifically noting any defects that may be unique to an individual stamp. This can be done with vary degrees of sophistication and success. In one method, known as reflective UV imaging, the wound is flooded with UV light, and the reflected UV image is photographed. Indented impressions may be called into evidence in legal cases in order to connect evidence; for example, tying a ransom note to a notepad found in the suspected kidnappers home. To the processes utilized by forensic document examiners and handwriting analysts, though some experts.! Be useful in helping examiners to differentiate the original writings combination of multiple exposures while moving the source! 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