They, quite obviously, make us less safe. They havent done an article on the group itself. It is also about whether the Dallas Voice is a newspaper or a public relations firm for the Cedar Springs establishment. [42][43], In October 2017, Redneck Revolt was one of a number of groups named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed on behalf of the city of Charlottesville and several Charlottesville-based businesses and neighborhood associations which sought to prohibit militia and paramilitary activity in Virginia. Put simply: racists, fascists, and cops. Location to follow when the time comes. . Unlike other groups under the Antifa umbrella, Gun Club members typically do not cover their faces to maintain the appearance of an open, lawful organization rather than a militia. About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. [8] Van Sant concluded that "[t]he case of Redneck Revolt suggests there are promising alternatives to Trumpism emanating from the U.S. countryside too often ignored by the U.S. doesnt mention them in an article until Sept. 2, 2022 when it is basically unavoidable. The reporting of the. He was killed after attempting to blow up the detention center. * Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020,; Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed August 19, 2020, One of the spinoffs of the original John Brown Gun Club is Redneck Revolt, which formed in 2009 after the original Gun Club disbanded. As of September 1, 2020, the Mid-Missouri chapter had 1,039 followers. John Brown Gun Club On the Showdown in Virginia on Gun Control Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Interviews, Radio/Podcast, The State, US Red Strings and Maroons Red Strings and Maroons podcast speaks with a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about the upcoming January 20th mobilization against new gun control legislation in Virginia. * About, Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, accessed September 1, 2020,; Say Hello to Spokane John Brown Gun Club!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, accessed September 1, 2020, While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. states. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. We hope to incite a movement amongst working people that works toward the total liberation of all working people, regardless of skin color, religious background, sexual orientation, gender, country of birth, or any other division that bosses and politicians have used to fragment movements for social, political, and economic freedom. [51], In March 2018, the geographer Levi van Sant argued:[18]. PSJBGC at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair 2019!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, November 16, 2019. [3] [4] [5] [6] The club calls itself an " anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker community defense organization". Nearly half of "strong Republicans" believe it's almost time for armed violence, Salon, July 27, 2022,, John Brown Gun Club chapters promote themselves as community defense organizations dedicated to direct action and mutual aid. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism There are still some John Browns around, but most transitioned as the org fell apart. Stragglers are more susceptible to getting arrested, but its hard to do that to a larger group. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. WebThe Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club. We still dont know much about them except as we might find out observing their Twitter feed. Armed antifascists were met by cheers and were joined in marching by random patrons of the Gayborhoods famous Strip, which had been targeted by over 50 violent self-described Christian Fascists led by John Doyle and Kelly Neidert just three weeks before. *John Browns Mountaineer Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed August 31, 2022,, Rightwing political candidates and pundits, as well as those on the far-right, blame groups like the John Brown Gun Club, Redneck Revolt, and Antifa for organizing riots and other violent protests against police and municipal authorities while promoting anarchy and societal breakdowns. We need armed community defense programs in every community. But it might have been careless editing. A lot of times you can find it at the Internet Archive. He also criticised the group for failing to challenge "institutions that reproduce white supremacyneither the criminal justice system, nor the schools, nor employment discrimination, nor real estate lending and renting policies" and concluded that "white people organized as whites are dangerous to the working class and to humanity, and white people with guns organized as whites are doubly soand this is true regardless of the intentions of the organizers". Your email address will not be published. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, One Gun Club member did engage in a violent attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in 2019. In 1859, Brown was convicted of treason in South Carolina and executed for his role in the failed raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Nazis Go to East Palestine Ohio to Exploit the Railroad Disaster, Bullsh*t on Parade: Fake Anti-War Rally a Flop, but Neo-Nazis were Fine with That, Portrait of a Punkass: How Joey Gibson Settled an Antifascist Lawsuit & Told the World He is a Damned Liar. John Brown 1800-1859, PBS, accessed September 1, 2020. [1], Their political influences include the 19th-century abolitionist John Brown,[13] the Young Patriots Organization[1][5][14][15] the Deacons for Defense and Justice[7] and the Rainbow Coalition, an alliance formed in Chicago in the 1960s between the Black Panther Party, Young Lords and the Young Patriots. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. We need real formulated responses for the upsurge in reactionary and racist violence. Van Sant has also identified three lessons that Redneck Revolt offers to the American left, namely that working-class white people "are not inherently conservative"; that the group's success is drawn from their critique of modern American liberalism, including on firearms issues; and that they do not employ the rhetoric of white privilege, diversity or inclusion, but instead "position themselves as part of working class and white rural communities" and "act in solidarity with oppressed peoples". [7] The group's name also refers to the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain[11] and the red bandanas worn by members emulate those worn by striking coal-miners during that conflict. x It had increased to 4,281 followers by July 26, 2022. I don't want to call out specific groups and create drama; but the one in the county south of us turned into an SRA chapter and the one to the north of us has banned any interactions with the SRA. Weve recently been contacted by several journalists who want to learn more about us, so we thought it was time for a little introduction.,,,,,,,, Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Twitter post, August 21, 2022, 3:57 p.m., [25] Members often view the practice of openly carrying guns as a political statement that intimidates opponents and affirms gun rights.; [12] A member has said that the group tries "to acknowledge the ways we've made mistakes and bought into white supremacy and capitalism, but also give ourselves an environment in which it's OK to celebrate redneck culture". An armed group of defenders of LGBTQ+ marched down Cedar Spring on June 24, 2022 and there is no reporting of this significant event, watched by 218,000 people, by the Dallas Voice. Redneck Revolt was founded in 2009,[1][4][5] partly in response to the perceived contradictions of the Tea Party movement,[1] as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a firearms training and community defense project that was itself founded in Lawrence, Kansas, in 2004. left". It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. The Gun Club arms itself to defend against far-right violence and often appears as a security force at protests to protect against expected far-right violence. Therefore, beyond our roles in the GMJBGC, many of us participate actively in the greater community. [7], The group focuses on anti-racist organizing among white poor and working-class people,[1][14][17] although members are not exclusively white. This isnt about approving or disapproving what the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club believes or does., This is the same webpage I had saved at the Internet Archive. Formed in 2017, the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club is a leftist working class community defense organization based in and serving the communities of Rhode Island. [41] The lawsuit identified Redneck Revolt and the Socialist Rifle Association, an anti-fascist group that defends working-class people's right to bear arms, as "private militia groups [that] helped create and secure a staging area for counter-protestors". [48] Redneck Revolt and Kessler signed consent decrees to end paramilitary activity in Charlottesville to resolve the lawsuit when they were left as the only defendants in early July 2018. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. Its political positions are anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-fascist. [8], In 2019 the sociologist Teal Rothschild wrote that "Redneck Revolt brings venerable activist traditions to bear on very contemporary issues, including 21st century identity politics. We need to abolish the police., Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 9, 2022: The John Brown Gun club is at it's core founded on abolitionist points of unity. [13], Redneck Revolt is an anti-capitalist,[17] anti-racist[17] and anti-fascist group[5][20] that uses direct action tactics. Let me say it again: rich guys (who think youre not really all that good), really dig government (every government everywhere, including communist governments), because they make the rules that make rich guys richer.. He is consistently doing shitty things (because he is a cop), and now he has murdered a Black man. [26] In 2018, local groups in Shelby, North Carolina, Portland, Oregon, and Asheville and Boone, North Carolina, disaffiliated from the national network. Steel City John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. John Brown was a famous abolitionist in American history and died fighting slavery. [Redneck Revolt] reminds us of the capacity for a single organization to hold a multiplicity of meanings, aims, and practices. Keep informed on what the Dallas Voice wont or cant report. Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed September 1, 2020. 3,167 likes. Weve been here in Vermont for about five years. The incident in northern Burki, Singapores Internal Security Department reports the arrest of the youngest person to be charged for terrorism-rela, RT @StewGlobal: Ottawa-based ISIS recruiter has agreed to plead guilty to all counts. Radical responses to Trumpism in the rural US", "A Professor Brought His Guns to Protect Protesters at White-Supremacist Rallies. Nearly half of "strong Republicans" believe it's almost time for armed violence,. He set his car on fire and threw incendiary devices at propane tanks on the facilitys grounds. Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Southwest. didnt approve of them and so didnt give them coverage. Please. [7] There is no official count of the number of chapters,[26] but as of December 2017 the group had around 45 such local chapters across more than 30 U.S. The reporting of the Dallas Voice is sympathetic to the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. Redneck Revolt is a national network of community defense projects from a broad spread of political, religious, and cultural backgrounds. Redneck Revolt's statement said the march aligned with their "belief in the right to community self-determination and self-defense". They Love Assault Rifles. Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. Just like Miramar. [9], Following a hiatus, the group was re-formed as a national organization in summer 2016,[5][6] using both the Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club names,[4] with the intention of responding to the growth of right-wing populism, particularly among rural, working-class white people. The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. This video, shared by Andy Ngo, shows the terrifying moment a man who stated: Im a Fascist, Not a Nazi charged at a family with two young children leaving the event. [28], A local chapter of Redneck Revolt was part of a counter-protest against a June 2017 rally in support of Trump in Portland, Oregon. [3] [4] [5] [6] The club calls itself an " anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker community defense organization". *Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Medium account, accessed August 31, 2022, The Gun Clubs presence at protests across the United States has garnered international media attention. [11][34] In September 2017, Redneck Revolt supported the Juggalo March on Washington, a protest by juggalos against their designation as a gang. Link at the very end of this report.). Protestors have not been allowed inside, An armed group of defenders of LGBTQ+ marched down Cedar Spring on June 24, 2022 and there is no reporting of this significant event, watched by 218,000 people, by the, A seriously significant group has become an agent in the ongoing struggle about drag shows and. [4] Dave Strano, a founding member, has argued:[1]. On 8/28 about two dozen Christian Fascists including Proud Boys and Militia came to attack a drag brunch in Roanoke, TX. * Alan Buddug, The Great FB Purge of 2020, Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, August 20, 2020,; Natasha Lennard, Facebooks Ban on Far-Left Pages Is an Extension of Trump Propaganda, Intercept, August 20, 2020, The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club changes positions to the start of the Trans Pride March near Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, on 28 June 2019. For the Puget Sound-area group formerly affiliated with Redneck Revolt, see, Last edited on 11 December 2022, at 03:19, protests against the Republican National Convention, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism", "Kessler, Redneck Revolt agree to end paramilitary activity in city", "They're leftists with guns. Join us in Dallas to stand united against the escalation of violence by auth-right. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed August 31, 2022. A lot of people thought this was important. Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. No mention of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. The website also argues for the necessity of revolution. [22] Speaking to Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, one of Redneck Revolt's co-founders said the group's membership includes veterans, former Republicans and former members of the 3 Percenters. Members of the Antifa group John Brown Gun Club have started a GoFundMe after having their weapons stolen at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). It wont be a complete list, but it will show why solidarity is key., Willem Van Spronsen, final statement, July 2019: Fascism serves the needs of the state serves the needs of business and at your expense. Back to the story about the Dallas Voice. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. In 2019, an anarchist whom police claimed had previously associated with the Puget Sound chapter of the group attempted to carry out a terroristic act on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility before he was fatally shot by police officers. To attack a drag brunch in Roanoke, TX dozen Christian fascists including Proud Boys and Militia came attack... Died fighting slavery on 8/28 about two dozen Christian fascists including Proud Boys and Militia came to attack a brunch. American history and died fighting slavery accessed July 26, 2022, 3:57 p.m., https: // 2019. Liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives to getting arrested, but most as. To attack a drag brunch in Roanoke, TX [ 18 ] and so didnt give them coverage havent. 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