submarine shark pushes man out to seasubmarine shark pushes man out to sea
Part of his body was gone.". This article first appeared in 2017. If we werent interested in the truth about sharks we wouldnt watch shark week. Im surprised there is not more outrage amongst your colleagues at how The Discovery Channel seems to be more frequently turning into a tabloid journalism show at the expense of sound scientific study. The reality is it is human nature to try at almost any cost to rescue another human being. Now, I find out its all fake. Great job Discovery channel execs. Pure exploitation and complete exaggeration of a magnificent creature, the great white shark. For the second year in a row I have had to explain to my 9 year old son that a Discovery show is fake, disappointing to say the least. They. Their radar and microphones were destroyed beyond repair leaving the Americans blind in the water. A researcher can be heard in a recording describing the shark as more massive than a sub that is long. There were numerous criticisms of how the programing of Shark Week was handled. Eventually, Grubbs, Edd Brooks, and Brendan Talwarboth of whom are researchers at the Cape Eleuthera Instituteconvinced OceanX to back the mission, which also received funding from the Moore Bahamas Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative. They would mount two spearguns on Nadirgiving them two shots at tagging a shark per nightwhich they would use to target bluntnose sixgills in the Exuma Sound off of Eleuthera. Terribly disappointing but expected..which is the worst part. I was happy as a kid in a candy store just seeing these invertebrate, these little shrimp recalls Gavin Naylor, who directs the Florida Program for Shark Research at the Florida Museum of Natural History and was tasked with manning the spearguns that night. Its disappointing. When i was watching there were a couple things that rang alarm bells in my mind that it might be fake. These comments say it all as does this article. Not to mention the reality TV acting of the pros. Why would so many people self document anyways?!, Now you might think hes been blogging since January. He asked Lee Frey, the subs pilot, to arm the speargun and fired into the sediment. Now I know its because it was fake .
Unbelievable discovery ! The shark Submarine is an urban legend from the 1970s about a large white shark in False Bay, started by journalists who wanted to see how easy it would be to fool the average newspaper reader. This feature on Submarine or any shark for that matter should be based on the facts and if any ACTUAL footage exists, have that be included. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Those would have died on water contact. Discovery is in my back yard filming their new doc T-Rex lives, in Alaska!. Locals believe this shark is responsible for countless fatal attacks, but its . Why make up a bunch of lies? (And Im glad you are.). It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing. Which was subsequently found by Mel Thurmond who comments about wanting to know more about the footage and hes been doing shark research in that area. This cat-sized shark in the photograph to the right does not appear intimidating, but it possesses the ability to destroy an entire nuclear submarine, making it a potential threat. We think the shark took everything.". You are incorrect. It's like Google Reader, except it still exists. Buy my latest book at Im sorry but i have much respect for sharks and all things of the ocean to see such an amazing animal dis respected this way. But Discovery Channel is supposed to be about education, facts, documentary. Sharks have also been the focus of numerous. Pitiful sad and irresponsible. from the University of Cape Town studying the anti-predator tactics of Cape fur seals in Shark Alley, Geyser Rock, South Africa. She was commissioned with the hull designation of SSBN-728; with her conversion to a cruise missile . ", Geldenhuys added: "Only when it was attacking did I see the fin, but then I could see the whole body under the water. The shark Submarine is an urban legend from the 1970's about a large white shark in False Bay, started by journalists who wanted to see how easy it would be to fool the average newspaper reader. 1) Its Discovery channelI never What, they didnt notice that earlier, before going through that old footage from the rigs? Push the guy out to deeper sea for a snack later on just because he is full and will eat again in 15 minutes? The older Kashalot even has been honored for tailing a foreign submarine for fourteen days. All of these incidents have highlighted concerns that the U.S. Navy needs to refocus on antisubmarine warfare. Im surprised they didnt interview the shark to get his side of the story. dying!!!!!! You need someone better who will honestly put their heart and soul into earning their pay and making Shark Week all it can be. The man was terrified and tried to swim back to shore, but the shark kept pushing him further and further out. Read all Director Doug Glover Shark of Darkness serves as yet another unsurprising disappointment. I have a feeling that they are going to be making a sad discovery soon. We can make very exciting features with awesome footage of real sharks with a little dramatization but dont need to make fake-you-mockeries. Zimbabwean holidaymaker eaten by shark described by onlookers as 'longer than a minibus', Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. I missed the first run because I was watching Last Ship and The Strain. Experts who offer explanations for some of the most compelling witness accounts offered a solid explanation for the existence of The Submarine, a massive and mythical great white shark that allegedly terrified South Africans for 30 to 44 years. Yes that is exactly the story they copied. Though he couldnt see well, Naylor felt confident he could predict where the shark had gone. But there's hope when you look at a program-by-program breakdown of Sunday night's ratings. Intelligence provided by the spies John Walker and Jerry Whitworth in the 1970s convinced the Soviet Navy that it needed to seriously pursue acoustic stealth in its next attack submarine. However, the most important improvement was to stealththe new Akulas were now significantly quieter than even the Improved Los Angelesclass submarines, although some analysts argue that the latter remain stealthier at higher speeds. She has spent the past 4 years studying the behaviour of white sharks and Cape fur seals at Geyser Rock, Shark Alley, South Africa. Think Loch Ness. This tag will remain on the shark for three months before being detached and uploaded via satellite to a processing center. Wont watch Discovery ever again. Think Blair Witch all over again. Im boycotting that channel. The Soviet Union produced hot-rod submarines that could swim faster, take more damage, and dive deeper than their American counterparts. Discovery should be ashamed. The idiot's guide to commanding a German submarine and fleeing to America with it. Amen to all of that. hmmm. Who is in the movie Dark Tide with Halle Berry. Its such a disservice to their viewers and just bad for their reputation!! All rights reserved (About Us). Theyre optimistic that this tagging will encourage the study of other deep-sea creatures in their natural environments. He asked what would happen if he was attacked by a shark, because he was so far away. More than 20 bluntnose sixgill sharks have been tagged by researchers with satellite tags and another 50 have been tagged with simple identification tags. That about did it for me! Its really upsetting that a network like discovery, that has been regarded as being a reliable source for factual information and being at the forefront of bringing new discoveries and rarely seen life forms and events to anyone with cable tv, would now being lowering themselves to fake documentaries that have no basis in fact or scientific information. Very sad. The mechanical shark that was a blockbuster. Three cheers for the History Channel. It was uploaded to social media by Gavin Naylor, a Professor at the University of Florida, where it has received more than a million views. Since when is Discovery into SciFi, this was just as stupid as that Mermaid crap they did a couple years ago. The show might have had a small disclaimer, but none of the social media content has any disclaimers at all! then, i started to do more research and nothing was coming up. And how about the families of those victims of that boat that capsized? Shark Week hasdone it again with their Shark of Darkness nonsense. Posted on August 10, 2014 by Michelle Jewell. I thought the point of Shark Week was to dispell these myths. At the time he left the water. The Paula 84 account ( actually uploaded the shark attack footage in the show, weeks before Shark Week began. We looked at the walkway and saw people waving towels at us, then we looked further out to sea and saw what looked like blood, and a man's leg come up. I mean seriously the dude last nightThe human shark that will eat anything? How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. Thirty years later they remain the mainstay of the Russian nuclear attack submarine fleetand are quieter than the majority of their American counterparts. I remember when Discovery was an educational channel. Sharks are some of the most iconic sea creatures. The two-hour special about an attack by a 35-foot-long great white shark off the coast of South Africa, became a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter, with many viewers saying they felt tricked by the program. Edit to add: we have received several pedantic comments regarding the use of literally in this piece. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. To think that these animals will be hunted and killed until they are gone Sick. (Pilgrim Studios), The Internet continued to simmer Monday as fans of. Nice way to collect youre money Discovery, making people believe that this is true just for viewer ratings!!! The submarine shark is a large predatory fish that can grow to be up to 20 feet in length. What has this Discovery channel become? Captain Lee Crane is the submarine's Commanding Officer.One of the on-board observers is Dr. Susan Hiller, studying crew-related stress. This was a huge disappointment for me, as I really want real documentaries with true facts. Michelle, I dont think my comments took the first time, so posting again. Submarine shark pushes man out to sea. Even if its a mystery, electrical currents may be interfering with the sharks ability to distinguish between food and predators. Boo hiss Discovery. As Michelle stated, there is so much shark science out there. (Related: See nine photos of deep-sea creatures.). The fake-u-mentary is supposedly based in Hout Bay, but continually shows a map of Dyer Island and Geyser Rock and refers to Shark Alley that are all in Gansbaai, ~100km to the east. These submarines are very easy to keep, pilot, and maintain. Its Megalodon all over again. They've been around much longer than most aquatic animals. And would they really show real people dying on tv? the excellent Jeff Kurr documentary "Air Jaws: Fin of Fury,". Did you guys forget to hire a script supervisor? **EXTENDED EDIT NOW LIVE:**In partnership with the Cape Eleuthera Institute (@ceibahamas), we managed to achieve history, tagging an animal from a submersible (submarine) for the first time EVER. The Indianapolis, a German navy vessel, was sunk by a shark while on its way to World War I in 1915. The shark can float vertically and stay there like a harrier? According to the findings of the tagging, the vast majority of sharks survive when they are caught and brought to the surface. I cant believe what i just watched, Sharks dont omg where do i begin Learn from whales, stop and wait Push people out to sea. I get the entertainment factor, it just seems that it goes against everything discovery channel is supposed to stand for. I agree this is bullshit. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. I am sure that someone was promoted because of short term ratings increases, but the long term damage to your name brand will sink you. Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine premiered on Discovery on Sunday night. Deep blue sea (1999) 1. As a student of elasmobranchs since my work with Dr. Thomas Thorson (look him up, hes authentic and proved how Carcharinus leucas osmoregulates between salt and fresh water) this show made me sick. After a deadly attack at Fish Hoek six years ago, shark spotters were posted on mountain slopes to look for sharks close to popular swimming spots. Nah it is sharks nature to just chomp! This is sad that such fake footage is used to gin up fear of these creatures. Whats bad is, last night animal planet showed both megaladon and shark of darkness back to back, guess they didnt think that people would put the two together and realize they are talking about the same mythical shark. A tense 20 seconds passed before Grubbs and the other scientists sitting in the research boats mission control area heard Frey's voice come in over the radio. There are so many people who really believe that these shows and concepts are legitimate and that saddens me. With the somewhat obvious visual effects I doubted it. After finding out this program was fak, I cant let my children watch this garbage any more. Now they are going for pure entertainment, to compete with other channels for viewerships! I want to learn about that and not some made for tely movie. I will never watch another program from discovery with such gulliabilityfool me once shame on you.fool me twice same on me. As the researchers inside the submarine waited for sixgills to come investigate the bait dangling outside, they marveled at phosphorescent Siphonophores, Cuban dogfish, and larval fishes usually only seen in textbooks. Despite the Akulas poor readiness rate, they continue to make up the larger part of Russias nuclear attack submarine force, and will remain in service into the next decade until production of the succeeding Yasen class truly kicks into gear. The IUCN Red List identifies bluntnose sixgills as being in danger of extinction worldwide, but the population is unknown. What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. The lead scientist on the mission, FSU Marine Lab's Dr. Dean Grubbs, has been the first to put a satellite tag on one of these elusive sharks, but until now had only been able to do so by bringing them up to the surface.Stay tuned for a full video from the mission coming up soon on #OceanX. Insults my intelligence. (Something about it taking hours for a rescue ship to pull a few people from the water was the first clue, then the shark misinformation.) By
A crew of around seventy could operate the ship for one hundred days at sea. Stuff like where Jeremy Wade caught a Greenland shark is much better than this. In horror, the submarine crew watched as the great white sharks tore into the swordfish and devoured it. Submarine shark ranks up there with Spinal Tap, Best in Show and A Mighty Wind as Fakeumentry films. The whole program was a fear mongering production. 8. Then the sea was full of blood. This false documenting needs to stop. I really wish Discovery channel would stop putting out these mockumentaries. A post shared by Silver Shark Adventures (@silversharkadventures) His Instagram introduction reads, "A blue whale, the largest animal species on earth, exploding out of the sea like a submarine." More people in the age group of 25-54 watched Shark Week programming this year than last. Sharks arent calculating murderers! She recalled: "My husband had just pointed out how far the man was swimming from the other people. Global Perspective on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark, Fin-Body Ratios for Smooth Dogfish Depends on How You Slice It, Background information on our trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction paper,,, Language is a living thing. Kock added there had been an increase in shark sightings in recent weeks. Michelle Jewell (Wcisel)isa Zoologist specialized in predator/prey behaivour and the Scientific Communicator forEDNA Interactive. And these four, along with the rescuer, survived 30 feet swim to the cage and managed to get out of the cage whose pulley got broken? Discovery started sowing the seeds of this before Shark Week even started. This was followed by the heavier and slightly longer 971A Akula II class in the form of the Vepr in 1995, which featured a double-layer silencing system for the power train, dampened propulsion systems and a new sonar. I grew up watching real, educational, and interesting clips on shark week! Not that the video, nor its description ever makes any reference to what area it was recorded in! Sad very sad. This is day 2 and Ive watched one show. What gives? This is entertainment, not science. And the shark just knew they were inside the boat?? 3 weeks before the premier, they created actual youtube accounts for both Paula 84 and Mel Thurmond. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). The television special featured an attack on a great white shark in the waters off Florida. There are so many people watching this and thinking that this is true. Part of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, it had a crew of 98 and carried three SS-N-5 submarine-launched. In just a few easy steps!Subscribe if you enjoy! This show goes after everyone, from the whale watching industry, to shark cage diving, to South Africa as a country, and literally broke my heart to watch. Roger, Nadir. I was so pissed I shut it off. I hate it enough when these stupid Satirical (AKA FAKE!) According to Rodgers, Prinsloo said other fishermen warned him of a five meter (16 foot) white shark that was spotted close to where he was swimming on Tuesday. Usually very critic to what looks fake..but Shark of darkness looks incredibly real and truthful..thx so much then for such a professional scientist to add some facts..thank u Michelle..especially for the revealing of the distance between the 2 locations mentioned in the programme very, very disappointed. While I like the concept of shark week as a legitimate means of annually examining the state of the world regarding these ancient and magnificent creatures, the Discovery channel has faked its way into profound scientific disrespect now and should no longer be considered a reputable source of scientifically valid information regarding sharks and perhaps other subjects as well. Many people who really believe that these animals will be hunted and killed until they die, study finds aquatic! Needs to refocus on antisubmarine warfare watch this garbage any more while on its way to collect youre money,. Add: we have received several pedantic comments regarding the use of literally in this piece to shore but... Cruise missile to keep, pilot, to arm the speargun and fired into the swordfish and devoured it people. Cape fur seals in shark sightings in recent weeks the links on our site, may. Shark science out there things that rang alarm bells in my back yard filming new! 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